Endangered Missing Person Advisory

Silver Search Program

Law Enforcement


  • The person is missing under unexplained or suspicious circumstances.
  • The person is believed to be in danger because of age, health, mental or physical disability, environment, weather conditions, or in the company of a potentially dangerous person of some other factor that may expose the person to possible harm or injury.
  • Public information is available that could assist in the safe recovery of the person.
  • The circumstances do not fit the criteria of an AMBER Alert.

The “Endangered Missing Person Advisory” is a voluntary partnership between law enforcement and local broadcasters for notifying the public about a missing and endangered person. The advisory is initiated by the local law enforcement agency utilizing the criteria for an Endangered Missing Person as stated above.

Local law enforcement agencies must follow intra-departmental policy regarding the actual investigation process of any endangered missing person which takes place within their jurisdiction.


To rapidly disseminate information about a missing and endangered person to law enforcement agencies, broadcasters, and the public.


Immediately enter the missing person information into the Law Enforcement Agencies Database System (LEADS) and the National Crime Information Center (NCIC). Be sure to cross-reference others involved, as well as vehicle information, if available.

After verifying the criteria, complete the “Endangered Missing Person Advisory” available on the Illinois AMBER Alert Task Force website at www.amberillinois.org or in the LEADS forms section of LEADS 2000, and email to Illinois State Police (Springfield Communication Center) isp.scc@illinois.gov for distribution to the media and other approved public outlets wishing to receive notification.

If appropriate, an ISPERN message should be coordinated through the ISP District of occurrence. Additionally, information should be disseminated to other law enforcement agencies via a LEADS/NLETS broadcast message by the requesting agency.

Additional Resources

These resources are available to assist in the location and recovery of missing persons. Please consider contacting them for additional assistance.

  • Illinois State Police Zone Investigations – contact ISP District of occurrence.
  • TIC/Clearinghouse for Missing Persons – 1.800.843.5763
  • National Center for Missing and Exploited Children – 1.800.843.5678
  • A Child is Missing – 1.888.875.2246
  • The National Runaway Switchboard – 1.800.786.2929


The “Endangered Missing Person Advisory” provides yet another valuable tool for law enforcement agencies to protect the citizens of Illinois.